By : Asef Gym

Foods that increase male hormone testosterone turned out to be very diverse and not difficult to find.

For men, the hormone testosterone is very important.  It not only increases sex drive or libido, but also supports muscle and bone health, sperm production, to hair growth.

As we get older, testosterone levels in men will decrease by about 1% every year.  However, this can also occur in young men.

If the things above happen, some of the testosterone enhancing foods below, you can consume:


For centuries, ginger has been used as a natural medicine to treat various diseases.  In fact, ginger is also a food supplement for the hormone testosterone.

In one study, ginger was proven to increase testosterone levels by 17.7% in 75 men who had fertility problems.  In a period of only 3 months, ginger can increase the amount of testosterone that much.

Research on test animals has shown that ginger can also increase levels of the hormone testosterone and antioxidants in mice with diabetes, in just 30 days.


Tuna is a fish that contains high vitamin D.  Therefore, by consuming tuna, the health of the hormone testosterone in men, becomes awake.  This protein-rich fish is also low in calories.

Either tuna which has been packaged in cans or fresh, consuming it can increase the levels of the hormone testosterone in the body.  A serving of tuna can meet your daily vitamin D needs.

If you don't like tuna, fish like sardines or salmon are also rich in vitamin D.

However, don't consume these fish excessively;  two or three servings a week is more than enough.  Because seafood has the potential to contain mercury which is harmful to the human body.


Oysters contain more zinc (zinc) than other foods.  The content of zinc is very important for sperm health and male reproductive function.

If zinc deficiency, the body has the potential to experience hypogodanism (a condition that makes a man's body not produce enough testosterone).  In fact, there is a risk of impotence, if zinc deficiency.

Foods such as meat, poultry, to peas are other foods that contain zinc, and we can consume.


Low-fat milk that is rich in vitamin D, is needed by men, women, and children.  Because low-fat milk contains protein and calcium, which are very important for bone health.

In addition, the levels of vitamin D contained in it, make low-fat milk a food supplement for the hormone testosterone which is very good for men.


Pomegranate is a symbol of fertility and sexual function that has been consumed since ancient times.  Antioxidant levels can improve heart health and control stress on the mind.
In 2012, a study proved that pomegranates can increase testosterone levels in men and women.

At least, about 60 healthy participants consumed pomegranate juice for two weeks.  The researchers then examined the levels of testosterone in their saliva, 3 times a day.


If you are actively exercising, but the level of the hormone testosterone in the body is still low, you should eat green leafy vegetables.  Vegetables such as spinach, are very rich in magnesium, which can increase testosterone levels in the body.

A study involved two groups of respondents, containing people who were actively exercising, and those who were not.

Both groups experienced an increase in testosterone levels, but the amount was higher in those who actively exercised.

Therefore, in addition to consuming testosterone enhancing foods, let's start more active and exercise more often, so that the health of the hormone testosterone is maintained.


For those who like to cook, now is the time to switch to extra virgin olive oil.  In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer, extra virgin olive oil can increase testosterone levels in men.

This oil is rich in monounsaturated fat and vitamin E, which are known as antioxidants.  Extra virgin olive oil has been shown to increase the hormone lutein, which stimulates cells in the testes to produce testosterone.



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